Nuclei of Innovation and Development

The Nuclei of Innovation and Development put together researchers who share a proposal to carry out investigations on technological, social and cultural nature, aiming at the generation of new intellectual products or processes, new methodologies or the adaptation of scientific tools for new applications, for the optimization of production and/or management systems.

Agroindustrial Technology
Coordinator: Gabriel Fernandes Pauletti

Law Observatory
Coordinator: Bruno Silveira Rigon

Monitoring Center on Education at UCS
Coordinator: Nilda Stecanela

Monitoring Center on Labor
Coordinator: Lodonha Maria Portela Coimbra Soares

Observation, Development, Tourism and Territorial Intelligence
Coordinator: Michel Bregolin

Observatory of Culture of Peace, Human Rights and Environment
Coordinator: Luís Fernando Biasoli

Studies and Research on Public and Social Policies
Coordinator: Ana Maria Paim Camardelo

Studies and Practices on Alternative Justice - AlterJUS
Coordinator: Claudia Maria Hansel

Sustainable Agriculture
Coordinator: Valdirene Camatti Sartori

Urbanism, Design and Sustainable Architecture
Coordinator: Ademir José Zattera

Universidade de Caxias do Sul
Main Campus: Rua Francisco Getúlio Vargas, 1130 - CEP 95070-560 - Caxias do Sul - RS - Brazil
Phone/Facsimile number: (55) (54) 3218-2100