
IV SILLPRO is an interdisciplinary space for reflection, with the purpose of joining researchers of issues related to reading, to new Brazilian writers, to the languages used on current literary expression and to cultural and social practices in different texts and languages. At the same time, the event aims at fostering dissemination of studies and research in diverse fields of the human sciences, as well as the development of new discussions, which may contribute to the extension of theoretical framework and critical thinking.

This edition of SILLPRO presents as central focus the plurality of points of view, thus seeking to reaffirm the necessity and importance of theoretical-critical discussions that will both provide exchange of knowledge in multidisciplinary fields and promote currents approaches that attempt to think about the complexities of the modern world. In a moment of polarization of debates, once craving for more productive conversation, the proposition of plural dialogues breaks dualisms and simplistic binary thoughts that prevent deeper reflections; moreover, it launches us to more efficient ways to contemplate our study objects and our epistemological, theoretical, methodological and political approaches.

The necessity of critical thinking and intersectional perspectives about these issues propels the development and dissemination of knowledge production in the human sciences, strengthening more and more this area that is in need of visibility and understanding of its role in society.

The purpose of SILLPRO is to think of the humanities valorization, therefore putting forward the theme Plural Dialogues.

Keynote Speakers

Aline Aver Vanin

Cidinha da Silva

Kanavillil Rajagopalan

Leila Lehnen

Milena Britto de Queiroz

Samir Machado de Machado

William Hutton

Fotos: acervo pessoal


Primeira Circular

Hourly Load

30 hours


Buildings L,E and H - UCS Caxias do Sul campus


Universidade de Caxias do Sul
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras e Cultura
Cursos de Graduação em Letras
