Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação

The Program

The Post-Graduation Program in Education (PPGEdu-UCS), recommended by CAPES, offers qualification at master and doctor degree in Education, in two lines of research: History and Philosophy of Education, and Educational Processes, Language, Technology and Inclusion. Both lines emerged from pedagogic and sociopolitical commitment of the Program regarding social and educational demands at regional, national, and international level. The concretion of the Program comes through production and socialization of knowledge in the Area.

Education is understood as social practice and it covers research on, in, and for education praxis. Education, in a wide conception, thought in qualification processes along life, of formation for humanization, socialization , and instruction. And, in a more specific approach, the Program proposes the study of philosophical dimensions of education, historical, political and educational processes, particularly, of the Region, enhancing understanding education in the contemporary time. It also investigates everyday life related to education in the dimensions of diversity, language and digital culture.

The Program aims at qualifying high-level researchers, who are committed with innovation, qualification, diversity, and social inclusion, at Basic and High Education. This qualification is founded on attitudes to ethics and research, aiming at proactive actions towards a democratic society.

The Master Course welcomes applicants who are graduated at university level in different areas of knowledge, whenever the research proposals are linked to the above mentioned lines of research.
The Doctorate Course welcomes applicants who are graduated at university level, and also have a master degree in different areas of knowledge, whenever the doctoral dissertation proposals are linked to the above mentioned lines of research.

Research Lines

The Post-Graduation Program in Education is constituted in the articulation of two lines of research: (1) History and Philosophy of Education and (2) Education, Language and Technology. These two lines, even if conserving their specificities, congregate pieces of research looking for shared objectives.

Pieces of research linked to the line of History and Philosophy of Education investigate schooling and non-schooling education processes. They are analyzed through references of History and Philosophy; Historic and philosophical thematic links, which problematize, specially, questions derived from the regional context in connection with theoretical national and international discussions; studies about: (a) institutions, trajectories of teachers/students qualification, policies, practices and school (subjects, spaces, times, knowledge, syllabus, subjects and materiality), non-school, and intellectual cultures of education, crossed ,as transversal topics, by categories as ethnicity, generation, social class, and gender; and (b) philosophy, establishing relationships between philosophical and pedagogical thought in history, questioning the concepts and founding statements of philosophical systems and pedagogic theories, and also problematizing philosophical and contemporary questions of Brazilian education.


Post Graduation Program in Education

Telephone: (54) 3218-2824
Campus Universitário de Caxias do Sul - Block E - Room 304