Curriculum Structure - Master Course

The Master Course comprises curriculum activities, which form thirty-four credits, distributed as follows:

I - Common Chore (15 credits)
The first block is constituted by a common and compulsory chore of seminars.

  • Seminar of History and Philosophy of Education - 3 credits
  • Seminar of Epistemology and Education - 3 credits
  • Seminar of language and Education - 2 credits
  • Seminar of Methodology of Research in Education - 2 credits
  • Seminar of Research in Education - 3 credits
  • Publication - 2 credits

The subjects of the Common Chore are taught with integrated syllabus, so as, when seen as a whole, they search to compose a theoretical base of knowledge (basis to critically and scientifically think the field of education), having in mind diversity of initial qualification of master course students.

II - Complementary Chore (minimum of 10 credits)
The second block is divided according to the lines of research of the course and is constituted by advanced seminars, totaling, minimum, ten credits, distributed as follows:

Line of History and Philosophy of Education

  • Advanced Seminar in History of Education - 3 credits
  • Advanced Seminar in Philosophy of Education - 3 credits
  • Seminar of Research in History and Philosophy of Education - 3 credits

Line of Education, Language and Technology

  • Advanced Seminar in Education and Language - 3 credits
  • Advanced Seminar in Technology and Education - 3 credits
  • Research Seminar in Language and Technology - 3 credits
  • Seminar of Special Topics - 2 credits
  • Special Seminars - 1 or 2 credits
  • Teaching Practice - 1 credit

Specific subjects for each line of research (Second Block), in the form of seminars and topics, deepen professors and master students' research questions. They examine themes and problems referent to questions of investigation which derive from each line of research.

III - Elaboration of Thesis (10 credits)
Note: Activities of master students concerning elaboration of the thesis are followed by their guiding professors, as specified in PPGEdu Norms.