Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Animal

Professional Master`s Degree in Animal Health

The Serra Gaúcha region presents unique challenges for Veterinary Medicine, with the presence of a variety of diseases that are different from other regions of Brazil. Bearing in mind the regional challenges for the work of the veterinarian, there is a need for continued education of professionals who work with animal and human health.

With the creation of the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine course in 2013, the University of Caxias do Sul began to offer higher education training focused on social demands and the need for regional and national development related to animal health and well-being, public health, animal production, healthy and safe food production, and environmental preservation.

The implementation of the Graduate Program in Animal Health, in 2019, with the opening of the Professional Master's Degree, is part of this process aimed at training and qualifying human resources in this area of Veterinary Medicine.

The Professional Master's Degree is a graduate course modality aimed at training professionals in different areas of knowledge, through the study of techniques, processes, or themes that meet a demand in the job market. It aims to train professionals with an innovative and enterprising profile, in order to ensure their insertion in companies or institutions or the management of their own business.

The implementation of the Master's degree offers professionals in the Northeast Region of Rio Grande do Sul State access to a graduate course in the area of Animal Health, with a focus on One Health, in order to contribute, through professional qualification, to the reduction of risks resulting from the interface between animals, humans and the local ecosystem. These professionals will be qualified to solve specific problems particular to the region, being able to work in clinics, hospitals, or companies in an autonomous, critical, reflective and qualified way to use the scientific method.

With a concentration area in Animal Health, the Master's is structured in two lines of research:

  • Animal Clinic, surgery and reproduction;
  • Control of diseases that affect animals.

Target Audience

Graduates from higher education courses in the areas of Health Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Agricultural Sciences.

Egress Profile

At the end of the course, the professional with a master's degree should be able to:

  • Develop innovation on the central theme of Animal Health, having a solid theoretical basis of an interdisciplinary nature.
  • Expand their actions on the different fronts of professional activity, qualifying the services offered to society.
  • Conceive, formulate and implement actions, based on problems present in their professional routine.
  • Deal with constant technological changes, exploring creativity and critical thinking in their professional performance.
  • Carry out health improvement projects, based on ethical principles, with a technical basis and current scientific methods.
  • Build strategies that result in improvements and transformations in the activities in which they are inserted.
  • Share with the other members of their working group the knowledge learned, acting as a motivating leader and generator of innovation in this professional field.

Selection Process

Admission to the Professional Master's Degree in Animal Health will take place through a selection process regulated by a specific public notice issued by the Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies. The definition of number of vacancies in each selection process is defined by the Collegiate of the Course.

Graduate Program in Animal Health - Professional Master's Degree

Program Coordinator: Prof. Dr. André Felipe Streck -
Secretariat - Phone: (54) 3218-2669
Institute of Biotechnology - Block 57 - Room 108 - Campus-Headquarters