Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia

Professional Master's Degree in Psychology

The Graduate Program in Psychology (PPGPSI-UCS) - Professional Master's Degree - is recommended by CAPES (Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination) and offers master's education in Psychology, in two lines of research:

Lines and Projects of Research

The research lines of the Graduate Program in Psychology, as well as the projects that derive from them, involve undergraduate and graduate students, who work collaboratively in an academic interaction perspective in which everyone wins.

This line proposes to study, research, understand and intervene in several contemporary themes, promoting improvements for the community/society. Among these themes are crisis situations inherent to the human condition; chronic diseases such as HIV, diabetes, and COPD; situations of violence, against women, and against the elderly; processes of inclusion. Special education, from the perspective of inclusion, has brought technical, scientific and practical challenges to education and health professionals who interface with educational contexts.

Advising Professors

This line proposes the study of the effects of the psychic subject's interaction with socio-professional relationships, conditions, and forms of work organization. It proposes to broaden the understanding of risk factors and psychosocial resources in work contexts, being able to use psychometric analyses to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate practices of psychological and psychosocial interventions, at a preventive and harm-reduction level. Diagnosis and proposition of individual, group, organizational, and environmental interventions that favor the development of healthy work environments. The interest in developing studies related to psychosocial processes derives from economic, social and political research at UCS, which is carried out in centers such as the Institute of Economic and Social Research, the Work Observatory, the Center for Studies and Research in Public and Social Policies and the Psychology Intervention Center.

Advising Professors

The program aims to train qualified personnel, with theoretical-methodological deepening from the perspective of the area of study, to carry out scientific research and socially relevant works of professional technical nature.

The Professional Master's Degree is a graduate course modality aimed at the qualification of professionals, in different areas of knowledge, through the study of techniques, processes, or themes that meet a demand in the job market. The objective of the course is to train professionals with an innovative and enterprising profile, to ensure their entry into companies or institutions, or the management of their own professional practice.

The proposal of the Professional Master's Degree in Psychology contributes to the construction of new knowledge and deepens reflections to meet demands concerning studies, research and interventions that focus on psychosocial aspects, contributing to professional qualification and the healthy development of society.

Its curricular structure was conceived in a flexible and open way in order to accommodate research interests linked to the Program Lines, in different theoretical-methodological approaches. The proposal aims to strengthen research, professional technique and high-level intellectual training, offering opportunities to deepen theoretical and methodological studies in Psychology, related areas and psychosocial processes. The curriculum organization contemplates contemporary issues that promote academic and professional concerns.

Target Audience

  • Line 1 - Graduates from Psychology Courses.
  • Line 2 - Graduates from Psychology Courses and professionals with a higher education degree, interested in the interface between psychology and areas related to Health, Education and Work.

Egress Profile

At the end of the course, the professional with a master's degree should be able to:

  • identify demands of a psychological nature and propose alternatives in different contexts, based on sustainable, ethical and potentially reality-changing practices, considering the actions of diagnosing, planning, developing, monitoring, evaluating and redefining interventions that contribute to the preservation of a healthy life;
  • diagnose protective factors and stressful factors in the subjects' social contexts;
  • plan interventions of a psychosocial nature that enhance resources available to individuals and organizations, recognizing aspects of culture and social context, to contribute to the strengthening of healthy environments, through critical and investigative capacity;
  • develop actions in the field of prevention, health promotion and intervention based on psychology, considering the reality of each psychosocial context;
  • systematically monitor interventions of psychosocial nature and their possible consequences/results;
  • evaluate the impacts of interventions in order to enhance the healthy resources of subjects and organizations;
  • reformulate interventions and implement practice adjustments when non-compliance with the expected impacts is verified.

Selection Process

Admission to the Professional Master's Degree in Psychology is annual and is carried out through participation in a selective classification process, regulated by notice of the Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies. The number of vacancies established in the announcement is defined by the Collegiate of the Course.

Graduate Program in Psychology

Coordinator: Silvana Regina Ampessan Marcon
E-mail: - Phone: (54) 3218-2765
Room 302 - Block E - Campus-Headquarters