Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia

Curricular Structure

The Professional Master's Degree in Psychology has a minimum duration of 24 months and a maximum of 30 months. It comprises a total of 36 credits, one credit corresponding to 15 class hours. The curricular structure is divided into mandatory disciplines, elective disciplines, and guidance for the dissertation

Mandatory Disciplines - 10 Credits

  • Research Seminar I
  • Research Seminar II
  • Psychological and Psychosocial Processes: Diagnosis and Interventions
  • Mandatory subject from Line 1 (Psychic Processes and their Clinical Implications) or
  • Mandatory subject from Line 2 (Diagnosis and Interventions of Psychosocial Problems in Work Contexts)

Elective Disciplines - 14 Credits

Line 1 - Diagnosis and Clinical Interventions in Psychosocial Contexts

  • Interventions in Crisis and Chronicity Situations
  • Advanced Seminars in Clinical Diagnosis and Interventions
  • Families in Contemporaneity
  • Early Interventions
  • Special Topics in Psychology

Line 2 - Risks and Psychosocial Resources in Work Contexts: Diagnosis and Intervention

  • Risk Society and its Psychosocial Impacts
  • Advanced Seminars on Psychosocial Risks in Work Contexts
  • Management Processes and Risks to Worker Health and Well-Being
  • Culture, Power and Conflict in Organizational Contexts
  • Special Topics in Psychology

Dissertation Guidance - 12 credits