The Graduate Program in Tourism and Hospitality - PPGTURH - was implemented at Universidade de Caxias do Sul in 2001 and invests in the production of qualified knowledge, in the scientific, technical-professional and didactic-pedagogical training of researchers, professors and professionals linked to these areas. Since 2014, the Program has been enabling its students at Masters and PhD levels.
As a reflection of the conception of the Program, PPGTURH aims to provide qualified academic production in research and teaching, helping the students to
The research in PPGTUR-H is developed in two different research lines: 1) Tourism, Hospitality, Organizations and Sustainability and 2) Tourism, Hospitality, Culture and Education, both contributing to the consolidation of Tourism and Hospitality in the universe of science, from the perspective of human-social, economic, cultural, environmental, educational and administrative dimensions - which is favored by the inter and transdisciplinary nature of these areas, as well as the diversified and non-endogenous formation of the mentor professors.
Description: Analysis, planning and management in Tourism and Hospitality, considering: socio economic development and sustainability, innovation, marketing, production chains, cooperation networks, observation and territory intelligence of destinations in natural, rural and urban areas.
Description: Cultural management, memory and heritage, creative economy, cuisine and events, social communication, diversity and inclusion, welcoming and human and social development, hosting and tourism, education processes.
The PPGTURH houses the Revista Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade (ISSN: 2178-906), whose scientific quality is already attested by the indexes DOAJ, IBICT SEER, SPELL, LATINDEX, C.I.R.E.T, ULRICHSWEB, DIADORIM, E-REVIST @ S and REDALYC.
The UCS Library System is composed of 12 libraries, interconnected and coordinated by the Central Library. With a collection that has around 400,000 titles and 1,300,000 copies, the Library also offers access to the most important databases of the different areas of knowledge.
Coordinator: Maria Luiza Cardinale Baptista
Administrative Secretary: - Telephone: (54) 3218-2621
University Campus of Caxias do Sul - Block F - room 301